Evergreen Lawn Service Of Duluth

Call Us Today! (218) 525-4066

A man is spreading fertilizer on a lush green field.

Dedicated to Making Your Lawn Beautiful Organically!

Organic-Based Lawn Fertilization

This program has been designed for those customers that have concerns about synthetic lawn care, but still want the benefits of a green, healthy lawn. Your lawn is a big part of your home's appearance, and is a valuable asset to your home's value. An attractive landscape adds to the value of your home and property as well as having many environmental benefits.

Request a Free Price Quote

Your Home's Value

  • Not only is green, thick turf attractive, but healthy turf will promote social pride and neighborliness.
  • A healthy yard gives your children and pets a place to play. Creating a thick bed of grass provides a soft play area, cushioning the ground to help prevent injury from falls.

Environmental Benefits

  • Turf absorbs air pollutants.
  • Turf acts as a filter, reducing and preventing excessive runoff.
  • Turf root systems stabilize soil, reducing wind, rain, and runoff erosion.
  • Healthy strands of turf reduce noise pollution.
  • Just 25 square feet of turf provides enough oxygen to support one person for an entire day.

You Deserve to Enhance Your Home With a Thick, Green, Healthy Lawn!

A program of dry granular, slow release, organic-based fertilizer combined with lawn aeration will give your lawn a chance to multiply, thickening the turf while crowding out unwanted lawn weeds. This "Crowding" technique is designed for turf to multiply and "Move in" to take over the lawn, leaving little room for weeds to grow. This method of "Crowding" can successfully reduce a large percentage of weeds over time, but it should not be considered as a complete weed control. You will always have the option to move to a lawn program with the benefits of full weed control if desired.

4 Timely Applications Approximately 4-6 Weeks Apart

  • 1st Application: (May, June)
  • 2nd Application: (June, early July)
  • 3rd Application: (July, August)
  • 4th Application: (August, September)
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