Mosquito Control Service

Nothing spoils the backyard barbecue faster than a pesky swarm of mosquitos, not to mention the health risk of mosquito-borne illnesses like West Nile virus. Many homeowners haven’t found much protection from spray repellents or citronella candles and are turning to the Professionals for help. We can greatly reduce the number of Mosquitos on your property with our Mosquito Control Program.

The Evergreen Lawn Mosquito Control Program treatments remain effective around the clock -24/7-, for up to 3 weeks. Mosquitos and other annoying pests that enter your yard will be controlled by this invisible wall of protection as soon as they come in contact with the treated vegetation.

Imagine, up to three weeks of freedom to celebrate, play and relax outdoors this summer, day and night, without worry and hassle from mosquitos. Consistent treatment with the Evergreen Lawn Mosquito Control Program will give you a mosquito free yard to enjoy all summer long. One call allows you to take back your yard!

How it Works

Evergreen Lawn Service will spray your outdoor living area that includes trees, shrubs, lawn areas and foliage. Our spray is designed to control all mosquitos that are present at the time of application and creates a protective barrier for up to three weeks. The treated areas can be used as soon as the spray is dried; usually in less than one hour. We then return about every three weeks throughout the mosquito season to reapply our mosquito control treatment. For best results all season long, we recommend our 4 application Mosquito Control Program. ALSO CONTROLS TICKS & SOME BLACK FLIES 

Evergreen Lawn Service is a company dedicated to controlling mosquitos, black flies and ticks in your yard and landscape. Our Mosquito Treatment is applied by our trained and licensed technicians in Minnesota & Wisconsin.

Commonly Asked Questions

Special Occasion? Try our One Time Service!

We just need to go to the site a day or two beforehand and apply our treatment. You will be set to enjoy your fun in the sun, or say your vows surrounded by the beauty of nature or anything else that you like outside!

Our Commitment To Safety

Evergreen Lawn Service is committed to the health and safety of its employees, customers and the public, as well as the protection of the environment. All materials are applied in label recommended solutions. Treatments are applied by Trained, Licensed & Certified Applicators in Minnesota & Wisconsin.

Evergreen Lawn Service applications provide the advantage of professional handling and application of these materials. The names, concentrations and labels of all materials used are available upon request.

Alarming Mosquito Facts

There are 3000 species of mosquitos world wide, 160 species in North America and 50 species in Minnesota and 56 species in Wisconsin.

How do Dogs and Cats get Heartworm?

Curious to know how dogs actually get this dangerous and often fatal illness? Even though there is heartworm treatment for dogs available (much like flea prevention), less than half of dog owners actually use any type of preventative measures against heartworm on their dogs at all. How do dogs get heartworm in the first place? Is my own dog at risk of heartworm? What can I do to protect her?

What is heartworm in the first place? Heartworm is a parasite spread by mosquitos when the dog gets bitten, and can be fatal in dogs. Dogs who get heartworm often carry the parasite for months before they show very serious symptoms (6 months or so), and even then, they may not be serious enough for owners to pay heed, or for owners to know what they are looking for.

Heartworm takes a while to fully mature, around 90-120 days. Heartworm parasites (spread by mosquitos) start out as larvae in the lungs. Depending on the size of the dog they are attacking, as the larvae reach full maturity (and turn therefore into worms) they can rest in certain arteries in the dog. Smaller dogs will typically have fewer mature heartworms that large dogs do. For example, a beagle may have 10 worms in their system, whereas a larger dog, like a lab, can have as many as 50 or more. Regardless, the worms at maturity do migrate toward the heart, resting in ventricles until they take over the dog and eventually kill the animal, or the dog gets treatment to kill and destroy the heartworm infection entirely.

Dogs will usually contract heartworm during the wet spring season where mosquitos are maturing.

The heartworm can take about 10-14 days to incubate, and mature within 90-120 days after contracting the illness. Dogs usually won’t show major symptoms of heartworm (like wheezing or coughing) until the larvae begin growing in their lungs before maturity. If you live in a known mosquito area (heartworm is prevalent in all 50 states- where there are mosquitos there may be heartworm), then you would be wise to protect your dog against heartworm by keeping your dog medicated against the parasite and allowing your dog to wear mosquito repellent when they are outdoors.