A two-application treatment is required for control of turf disease issues in your turf.
Timing is essential for proper control. 

In order to maintain a high-quality lawn, we feel it is necessary to treat for the disease(s) as soon as possible. Keep in mind that turf disease  spreads very rapidly. Further damage to your lawn can be prevented if treated properly and quickly. Please call us now, before it is too late. 


Please call immediately to schedule treatments for any of these issues! For efficiency, we treat lawns with these problems in one (1) to two (2) days by neighborhood. We will be treating lawns in your area with this problem soon. If you would like to schedule one or more of these services, please call today!

Our Commitment To Safety

Evergreen Lawn Service is committed to the health and safety of its employees, customers and the public, as well as the protection of the environment. All materials are applied in label recommended solutions. Treatments are applied by Trained, Licensed & Certified Applicators in Minnesota & Wisconsin.

Evergreen Lawn Service applications provide the advantage of professional handling and application of these materials. The names, concentrations and labels of all materials used are available upon request.

Leaf Spot Infestation

Leaf Spot or Melting Out are scattered to general yellow, tan or reddish-brown discoloration and thinning of turf. Individual leaves with circular to elongate purplish, dark-brown, reddish-brown, to black spots often surrounded by a yellow halo. Centers fade to brown, tan then white. Favored by prolonged cloudy, moist weather, moderate temperatures, lush turf growth and shady conditions. 

Dollar Spot Infestation

Dollar Spot is bleached spots 4-6" in diameter coalesce to form large irregular areas of sunken dead turf. Spots have white mycelial strands in early morning when turf is wet. Leaf lesions more or less round, bleached white to light tan with reddish brown to purplish border, often girdling leaf to form characteristic hour-glass shape. Moderate to warm (60-80°F) temperatures, excess humidity, moisture and thatch, nitrogen-deficient turf favor disease incidence  

Red Thread Infestation

Red Thread is irregular shaped patches (2-15" diameter) of tan colored grass with reddish-brown cast. Dead leaves interspersed with healthy leaves give turf ragged, scorched appearance. Patches merge to form irregular areas of blighted turfgrass. Infected leaves shrivel and die rapidly from tip downward fading to bleached tan. During wet weather leaves form conspicuous coral-pink, orange to red masses of branched appendages. Favored by cool (65-75°F) prolonged damp humid weather and slow-growing nitrogen deficient turf. 

Lawn Rust

Lawn rust, also known as rust disease, is a powdery substance (usually orange or rusty in color) that appears in spots or completely coating a grass blade that can brush off easily. A relatively unusual lawn disease, lawn rust is easily identifiable when the individual grass blades are examined up close. The orange or rust-colored fruiting bodies that eventually develop on grass blades are a result of infection by the various types of lawn rust fungi. This helps to differentiate it from other lawn diseases. When in its powdery form, lawn rust spreads easily, by wind, grass blades brushing against one another, and from people and animals walking through it.

Necrotic Ring Spot Infestation

Necrotic Ring Spot is scattered light green patches, 2-inch to 6-inch diameter enlarging to form light ­tan to straw-colored sunken, elongated streaks, crescents or rings up to three feet or more in diameter. Tufts of healthy grass appear in patch center giving "frog-eye" appearance. Favored by cool to mild temperatures, and wet then dry conditions, spring through fall, and by stressed turf due to low mowing, excess thatch, compacted soils, nematode or insect damage. 

Brown Patch Infestation

Brown Patch is roughly circular light-brown patches up to several feet in diameter. New, but thinned grass can eventually appear in patch center resulting in "frog-eye" appearance. Dark purple to grayish-black "smoke ring" sometimes noticeable at perimeter. Dark purplish green leaf spots turn light brown with straw-colored or ash-brown centers surrounded by dark border. Promoted by high temperature (75-95°F), high humidity, wet soils, extended periods of moisture, excess thatch and excess nitrogen fertility. 

Rust Infestation

Rust is turf that is reddish-brown, yellow to orange with weakened, thin appearance. Leaves with small light-yellow flecks which enlarge and rupture to expose round, oval or elongated powdery, reddish-brown to bright orange or lemon yellow spore-filled pustules. Powdery spores rub off easily on shoes, clothing and animals. Conditions favoring disease include, moderate to warm temperatures (70-85°F), heavy dew, light rains, slow leaf surface drying, low fertility, low soil moisture and soil compaction.